Hello world. The mixed feelings I have with introducing myself seem to be fairly common in the world of Blogging. For people who have so much to say we sure don’t like talking about ourselves. Never the less, I will give it a shot.
My name is Chad. I hold a variety of skill-sets that are much to boring to go into detail over. I’m happily married with four children. I have been in some form of Christian Ministry for over 20 years. A roller coaster ride would not do justice to the journey I have had in the faith. Like everyone else I have been hurt, spit on, disillusioned, disheartened, rejected, mocked, and at times praised. I hold a Masters degree in Spiritual Frustration. When most people jumped ship I hung on, not because of my love for the institution, but because of my love for the man named Jesus.
My vision is to restore the image of Jesus to mankind, to erase the marks of religion left on the face of God . My desire is to reveal Jesus as He is, not as the world thinks Him to be. I hope to uncover a raw reality of the Father that everyone says they know, yet have little to do with.
At this age in my life I feel I am a bridge between two Generations. I’m not quite a Millennial or a Gen-exer. I’m not a hipster, a gangster, or a prophet. I’m a son of God and I wish to enlarge God’s Kingdom by recruiting many more brothers and sisters of every tribe tongue and nation. So, come on in and poke around, you might find something that makes God beautiful again.
I look forward to getting to know you. In the mean time, I just want to tell you that God is crazy about you.
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